More Than Study Abroad
There is no substitute for the lessons learned by living, 工作和融入不同的文化. 我们屡获殊荣的全球机会(GO)项目促进了对世界的更广泛的看法-以及我们在其中所扮演的角色.
萨斯奎哈纳保证所有学生都有机会在国际上学习. Only one in 10 U.S. college students study abroad, but all SU students do.
Choices and Support
通过我们的GO项目,您将在跨文化环境中远离校园学习. Your options include a semester-long, study-abroad program 或者是最小值 two-week experience 在暑假或寒假期间学习不同的文化.
We make it easier to study abroad:
- Program choices ——研究, 实习生, 在35个国家开展的70个海外学习项目中进行研究或志愿者工作,这些国家几乎代表了每一个大洲. 大约5%的学生在美国进行了一次出国学习.
- 可购性 — Every student with need receives a scholarship. 对于一个 做多 semester experience, 你将使用与在校上课时相同的一揽子奖学金和经济援助. For students on 做空 和走你的路项目,萨斯奎哈纳每年提供超过75万美元的基于需求的援助.
- 教师 support — Susquehanna faculty and staff lead 做空 experiences, 并将帮助你为你的做多或GO your Way计划做准备.
- Easy to schedule — Because GO is already part of your four-year curriculum, 你的专业和相关课程将计入你的学位. 在学期休息期间进行短期学习和按自己的方式学习,很容易让你在四年内顺利毕业.
- Free passport assistance — Every semester, 萨斯奎哈纳通过将护照代理带到校园来帮助学生, helping with the paperwork, arranging passport photos and covering passport fees.
Wider Worldview, Expanded Self
更大的自信和全球意识是你将从海外教育中获得的一些重要成果, 为你一生的个人和职业成功做好准备.
你也会从接触不同的文化中学到有价值的东西. You’ll try foods you’ve never had before, 认识一个新的好朋友,或者从一个新的角度看待你的生活.
Future-proof Your Career
除了提高你的情商,出国留学还有助于启动你的职业生涯. Of students who study abroad:
90% secure a career-related job and earn thousands more
within the first six months after graduation, compared to other graduates, according to an IES Abroad survey.
90% get admitted into their top choice graduate program
出国留学的学生更有可能获得研究生学位, according to a Census Bureau study.
You will gain valuable job skills such as adaptability, communication, cultural training, foreign language proficiency, problem solving and tolerance for ambiguity.